Crisis Communications
In today’s "instant information" society, what was once a manageable public relations issue can quickly develop into a full-blown crisis that could have a devastating impact on your business or organization.
Have you ever heard of the phrase, "Going viral?" With today's blogs, X feeds, Facebook pages and other social media platforms, wild rumors and accusations about your organization can quickly become "truth" if left unanswered.

Guiding our clients through crises
Keenan Communications Group will work with you and your team to develop a Crisis Communications Plan that can be implemented immediately in the event of a crisis. We also offer tabletop crisis exercises for your team. KCG will monitor broadcast, print, and social media so that you can stay abreast of positive and negative comments about your organization.
Call or text Kevin Keenan today at 716-481-6806 to arrange a consultation meeting to begin the important task of developing your Crisis Communication Plan.
Public Relations
Successful public relations planning is vital to any company's marketing and advertising program. Often referred to as "earned media" or "free media," a well-executed public relations plan will deliver your company's message in an editorial environment that carries more credibility than traditional advertising.
Keenan Communications Group has extensive experience in developing, managing, and implementing effective, successful public relations plans. We will be with you every step of the way, from initial planning to execution of your plan, and then conducting an After Action Report.

Strategic Planning
Keenan Communications group knows Strategic Planning. We've worked with clients to develop and implement strategic plans, helping them chart a course for a successful future. We can guide you in the development of your mission, vision, and values while analyzing where you are, where you want to go, and how to get there.
Keenan Communications Group can also assist you with communicating your plan to your associates, helping your organization successfully navigate the strategic planning process.
Grass Roots Mobilization
Business, not-for-profit groups, educational institutions, faith-based organizations and elected officials have often used public relations firms to assist them in creating public awareness about an issue, product or cause. But a public relations plan is just one piece of a successful public advocacy campaign. Educating and making people aware of your issue is one thing – getting them to act is quite another.
Grassroots mobilization is a comprehensive approach to introducing, educating and motivating the public, producing both awareness and action. Contact us to how we can develop a successful campaign for you.

Social Media
In today's non-stop news cycle, it is imperative that organizations have an active presence on social media sites - X, Facebook, YouTube, and others. These platforms allow you to have two-way conversations with your constituents and customers.
Do you want instant feedback on an issue? Social media is cost-effective and efficient, providing you with immediate, real-time input from your clients, constituents, or customers.
When properly used, social media allows you to have a better feel for what is being said about you, your organization, or your products, and you can enlist your followers to be advocates for your message.
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Twitter - @KeenanGroup
Facebook - Keenan Communications Group
YouTube - Keenan Communications
Linked In - Kevin Keenan